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학과 공지사항

공지사항 :

3학년)SNHU 하계 계절학기 시간표 안내

조회 수 33611 추천 수 0 2014.04.07 01:24:23

본인이 수강을 희망하고자 하는 과목의 학수번호를 "3학년)SNHU 하계계절학기 수강신청 안내"에서 확인하신 후 시간표를 확인해 주시기 바랍니다.



The person in charge of SNHU summer b said below :



FIN 250 
Starts June 23 2014. 
9:00 am - 10:40 am (Mon to Thurs) 

ECO 306 
Starts June 23, 2014 
1:00 pm - 2:40 pm (Mon to Thurs)

This course is being taught by a very experienced professor and there is no online component to this course. 




OL 326, PHL 230 and LIT 201: Classes are on Tues and Wed from 11:00 am - 12:40. They will have to rush from their FIN 250 class to these classes. FAS 202: Class is on Tues and Wed from 1:00 pm - 2:40 pm. If they take this class, then it will not clash at all. 



Please note that these four classes are Hybrid classes. That means it is a combination of face to face and online. So students do not spend a lot of time in the face to face sessions and it is combined with online. If SKU students do not have any experience in online classes, then I would not recommend these courses to them as they might find it difficult if their English is not strong. 



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