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글로벌경영학과 필수교과목

공지사항 :

글로벌경영학과 필수교과목

교과목명 각 과목에 관한 상세 설명은 아래의 교과내용을 확인해주시길 바랍니다

학수번호 교과목명 학점 시간 비고
GE5201 Integrated English Skills 1 1 2  
GE5202 Integrated English Skills 2 1 2  
GE5203 Integrated English Skills 3 1 2  
GE5204 Integrated English Skills 4 1 2  


학수번호 과목명 학점 시간 상세내용
GE5201 Integrated English Skills 1 1 2 This course is designed to enhance students' four macro-skills of English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Listening instruction focuses on improving lecture comprehension and note-taking skills. The speaking component consists of guided practice in oral participation in class and small group discussions, as well as practice in giving oral presentations. Some attention will also be given to pronunciation accuracy and the communication of meaning through stress and intonation patterns, as well as to enhancement of written communication as in reading and writing.
GE5202 Integrated English Skills 2 1 2 Students participate in various activities to practice English conversation including listening tasks and discussions. Practical reading and writing tasks and vocabulary studies are presented as well in 2 available levels.
GE5203 Integrated English Skills 3 1 2 This course is designed to enhance students' four macro-skills of English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills
GE5204 Integrated English Skills 4 1 2 Students participate in various activities to practice English communication including listening tasks and discussions. Practical reading and writing tasks and vocabulary studies are presented as well in 2 available levels.

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